But why follow a BtoB influencer?
Maybe it's a question you've already asked yourself.
But we are certain that without realizing it, you are already subscribed to an influential profile.
This is often someone you almost blindly trust and who shares relevant information with you and brings value to you on a daily basis. It is even possible that you will not miss any of its content!
You follow his publications for several reasons:
- It allows you to keep up to date with the latest news in your sector of activity,
- You have the feedback of a specialist in your field,
- You have an expert opinion on a subject or a product, which can help you in your daily work life,
- You prefer the personal opinion of an expert rather than reading the specialized press.
This list of reasons is getting longer and is different for different people.
These experts 82% of people who you follow mainly on LinkedIn are considered to be influencers, according to a study conducted by CMIT and Faber Content.
50% of respondents consider him to be an opinion leader.

Being influential is good and that is what advertisers are looking for today.
You still need to know how to animate a community and retain it.
How do I do it?
By sharing interesting and well-thought-out posts on a regular basis.
That's why in this article, we decided to list the main contents that a LinkedIn expert can imagine.
Enough to give you ideas for your next campaigns.
Why create content with a BtoB influencer on LinkedIn
But before going into the details, it is relevant to ask yourself a first point: why is it important to create content with an influencer?
Why not do it yourself on your own LinkedIn company page, for example?
Nothing is stopping you from getting started.
But you will quickly be confronted with a problem: how do I make sure that my publication reaches the target I want to address?
To get there, you will have to be patient and think.
On LinkedIn, it is possible to build a committed community by offering well-thought-out content, because there is no question of putting simple commercial content online without sharing values.
90% of BtoB decision-makers are insensitive to commercial prospecting, according to A DemandGen report.
61% of them turn to Google for an opinion on a product or service delivered by other professionals.
Agencies like The Roaring Twenties support businesses in creating content for LinkedIn.
From visual identity to publication strategy, our team helps you from A to Z, and the results are convincing!
For 12 months, for example, we support the Fund for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities into the Public Service in their communication on the professional social network with decision-makers.
Thanks to the content created in the space of just one week, the page registered 300 additional subscribers and two publications with more than 90 interactions.

To make the body shine more, sponsored content will also be offered by Antoine a handicapped.
This talent from the Les Annones Folles label offers a topic around disability every day to inform professionals in the sector.
The choice to combine a good content strategy on LinkedIn with an influencer partnership is not trivial.
For content to reach the chosen target, BtoB influencers on LinkedIn are now a lever that should not be overlooked.
In record time, they will allow you to reach decision makers and promote your service.
They bring an expert perspective to your value proposition.
To put all this work forward, they have another asset: content creation.
They know what their community is most interested in and how to engage them.
What LinkedIn content can BtoB influencers create
The list of content they can imagine is long, very long.
They continue to grow over the years, leaving you with the choice to work on your communication well and to try different options.
Concretely, what is it possible to imagine with a BtoB influencer?
To think about this question, focus on the multitude of options that social networks offer.
On LinkedIn alone, it is possible to write a post, make a story, share a publication or even write an article.
Something to inspire you for your next campaigns.
Here is the non-exhaustive list of BtoB content created by influencers.
A publication on LinkedIn
The first idea that comes to mind is publishing.
This is most generally a post published on the influencer's profile that is found in your LinkedIn news feed.
On average, 2 million pieces of content are published per day on the platform according to figures revealed by the social network team.
The number of posts put online daily has doubled since June 2020.
When it comes to LinkedIn posts, there is a choice.
The application has developed numerous features to express yourself. It is thus possible to:
- publish a post limited to 1300 characters in which the influencer will present your offer to his community.
This publication may include various pieces of information.
It can be a sharing of experience, a call to register for an event, to react to a current topic, to download a white paper...
These words can be accompanied by an image, a video, a carousel or even a survey.
Antoine, a talent evolving within the label Les Années Folles, proposes every day to its community an initiative in the field of disability.
Content that allows professionals in the sector to keep up to date with the latest news.
- publish an article written by the influencer that aims to further highlight your expertise
Amélie Favre Guittet is an HR specialist who also works for the Les Années Folles label.
At the end of 2020, she proposed an article to her community in which she revealed a selection of 50 tools for looking for a job or an apprenticeship.

- publish a story for more natural, authentic and candid content.
Animate content with an expert
In parallel with these different publication formats, the LinkedIn expert is also called upon to do animation.
It is thus possible for him to be invited to:
- participate in a webinar where he is the main presenter or a guest.
He answers participants' questions and truly takes on the role of an expert.
- Host a podcast for a particular company that wants to highlight its expertise in a different way.
In our previous article, we introduced you to Dell's initiative, Dell Luminaries, presented by two personalities Mark Schaefer, social media marketing consultant, and Doug Karr, founder of Martech blog and expert in digital transformation.
- speak at a conference or in a media to present your point of view to as many people as possible (at the moment, everything is happening online!).
- create a LinkedIn live with a company.
According to the platform, live broadcasts since March 2020 have increased by 89%.
Amélie Favre Guittet regularly makes them on her own account.
In April 2021, she was invited by ANDRH Île-de-France to participate in their first live.
As a result, an average of more than 160 people watched the event.
Over 620 comments were received.

When a BtoB influencer is invited to participate in one of these events, they also advertise it.
His community will be aware of his intervention since he will put it forward on his profile.
The company thus gains in visibility and offers itself the arrival of a recognized expert in its field.
Going beyond LinkedIn
If the BtoB influencer is mainly present on LinkedIn, he has the possibility of also evolving outside the platform.
Her skills and analysis are not limited to making partner companies shine on LinkedIn.
It can also:
- be asked to conduct a video interview.
The latter, although it can be shared on LinkedIn in a post, will surely be published on a platform dedicated to the format such as YouTube.
Recently, Ruben Taïeb accepted the invitation from the new media. He talked about his current events and his vision of entrepreneurship.
This intervention allows him to reach new targets, but above all allows the company to gain popularity on LinkedIn.

- Writing content for other mediums, such as a blog post for the partner advertiser or writing white papers.
Again, all of this work can be easily shared on LinkedIn to let the community know when it's online.
It can also be content published on the influencer's own site in partnership with a company.
As we told you at the very beginning of this part, content on LinkedIn is multiplying.
It is therefore becoming more and more difficult to be seen and to reach a large part of your target audience.
To get there, you have to take the time to think about your message and how it will attract the curiosity of the decision-makers you want to talk to.
This is what we will explain to you in this next part.
Why the content of BtoB influencer content is more important than the form
LinkedIn and social networks in general offer a great range of communication options, as you may notice.
While the form of the content offered remains important, in a BtoB influencer marketing campaign the substance is more important.
To interest a community of professionals, you will have to think about the messages to be sent.
Remember what we told you at the beginning of this article: a BtoB influencer is followed because he shares news in a specific sector of activity and includes his opinion.
To create content in partnership with an influencer, The Roaring Twenties take about twenty days to think about the best strategy.
The opinion leader is asked for everyone to work together.
The team will think about the catchphrase, the photos imagined for the carousel, the hashtags used, the call to action to engage the community...
But that doesn't answer a question: how do you make sure to use the right format?
To support you, there are obviously agencies that will assist you in implementing your strategy.
If, on the contrary, you want to evolve alone, know that a problem can surely guide you.
First of all, you will need to ask yourself a question: how am I going to analyze the benefits of my partnership?
Do I want to increase my sales with the help of an influencer, improve their brand image or gain visibility?
Depending on the objective you have set for yourself, you will prefer one strategy over another.
For example, to ensure that their LinkedIn page has more subscribers, it will be appropriate to publish a post where the influencer mentions your account.
To increase sales, the influencer will have to position a link on one of their contents.
If it's about sharing an experience, it will surely be easier to do it in an article rather than a 1300-character post.

Thinking about how you want to analyze your campaign is a good start to knowing which option to turn to.
Don't be afraid to get started even if, despite everything, the choice is still wide.
Conclusion on LinkedIn content from influencers
Creating a BtoB influencer marketing campaign on LinkedIn is a smart move.
Today, each LinkedIn tool allows you to achieve a certain goal.
So there is no question of making mistakes, even if it is possible to start over to find the right strategy.
LinkedIn is used by over 20 million professionals every day.
And good news, they're spending more and more time there.
During the fourth quarter of 2020, user sessions increased by 27% according to the application.
People who connect therefore consume content and are becoming more and more used to doing so.
Whatever tool you are going to use, there is a chance of reaching a part of your target.
But to achieve this, you will have to take the plunge!