Logo - Les Années Folles

The first B2B marketing agency that reaches decision makers!

We aesthetically take care of your visibility thanks to our B to B influencers. We guide you in the best possible way in the strategy of promoting your offer on Linkedin.
Logo LinkedIn
Start your B2B influence campaign!
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The Roaring Twenties LinkedIn Influencer Marketing

Our influencers

Shoaib Ahmed

Biography in progress

Luke Menton

Biography in progress

Dan Mian

Biography in progress

The only agency in predicting The results of your influence campaign even before it is launched!

Take full advantage of the power of B2B and data with our predictions during campaigns.
We measure and predict not only the virality of our campaigns, but also the target with perfection.

Give the experience a try!

Our other services

Tought leadership

Director's pen

From the social media content strategy to the management of the digital reputation of your managers, we support you in the implementation of your Corporate communication.

An object: to make it essential for your managers to speak on LinkedIn.

In a profoundly changing professional world, the online presence of managers is of paramount importance.

Beyond the simple practical aspect, content creation must embody the spirit of the company through the voice of its manager, aiming to contribute, personalize the brand and establish a relationship of trust with the desired audience.

Our mission: to enhance the expertise of your managers on LinkedIn, to position yourself as key references in B2B media
Agence marketing B2B - Les Années Folles
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BtoB media

Social video is a unique skill

We create videos aimed at the specificities of Linkedin. We have the advantages of a flexible communication agency adapted to new digital challenges.

Our internal skills allow us to manage a project in its entirety.

Three highlights: screenwriting
To capture, retain, and engage your community, you must tell a story, trigger emotions, all these specificities require a good screenwriting.

Capture: This step validates the screenwriting choices and is key to the production of a video. The direction of the actors, the tone, the choice of shooting are all steps for a quality video.

Post production: Within our agency, we pay particular attention to this editing phase because we know the challenges associated with it (music, subtitle, editing...). Objective? Trigger the emotion of your community.

Broadcast: you can then broadcast the fruit of our collaboration on your professional social networks/website...

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Agence les annees folles marketing influence  btob
Agence les annees folles marketing influence  btob
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production audiovisuelle les annees folles btob linkedin
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Your employees, your best ambassadors.

Who better to talk about your business than the people who work there. Within our agency, we offer awareness programs designed to mobilize and empower your employees in order to raise your company high.

Our 7-point strategy:

- Identify your business values
- Get your employees on board
- Setting goals
- Identify suitable platforms
- Former
- Communicate with your employees
- And analyze the results

Thus, your internal ambassadors not only contribute to the value of your company, but also to defusing crises, to reduce the time and cost of social recruitment, to develop your employer brand...

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Linkedin training
Agence les annees folles marketing influence  btob
Highlighting employees & customers
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Agence les annees folles marketing influence  btob
Humanize your communication
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Cultivate your uniqueness

“Lay the foundations of your strategy and gain in efficiency/impact & reputation”

A complete audit carried out in 10 steps:

1 - Full brief
2 - The market & its problems
3 - Personae, targets and audience scanning
4 - Monitoring of international trends
5 - Requests for hearings
6 - B2B communication strategy (LinkedIn focus)
7 - Dissemination strategy
8 - Editorial line advice/templates
9 - Our recommendations
10 - Implementation

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Agence les annees folles marketing influence  btob
Agence les annees folles marketing influence  btob
Agence les annees folles marketing influence  btob
Agence les annees folles marketing influence  btob
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Push Media

We create stories that go beyond LinkedIn's borders.

“A good boost”
Why dissociate PR and INFLUENCE LinkedIn? We design campaigns around current and social topics. We find the angle and the approach capable of arousing strong media interest.

A tailor-made PR campaign
From the creation of press releases and stories related to the campaign, through the establishment of contacts with journalists, to the organization of meetings (TV/press/podcast...) and reminders, to the monitoring of the live listing of contacts to the analysis of the impact...

We offer you a real PUSH with B2B media.

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Press relations
Agence les annees folles marketing influence  btob
Agence les annees folles marketing influence  btob
Press release
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Discover our most beautiful campaigns →
Our approach

B2B influence communication

Through close collaboration, we create a plan for the success of your brand.


We Immerse ourselves in the brand and the customer journey.


We articulate the essence of your business with style and efficiency.


Grow With Influence.

Why do they love it?
Influence Marketing makes you unique
Influencer marketing is a strategy that involves soliciting influencers (also called opinion leaders) to share a message with their community. This solution allows a company to promote its product or offer by relying on the reputation of experts and recognized personalities in their field.
BtoB influence
They offer a professional, objective and external point of view to your business, which will have more impact on your target audience. They can also make it easier for you to access their professional network and will facilitate the impact of the message while allowing you to meet a target that you would not have reached. In B2B influence, the objective is above all to create commitment, trust, and visibility. To assess the relevance of a campaign, it is therefore factors such as website traffic, the number of shares or the number of subscribers gained that must be analyzed.
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les annees folles avis clients influence btob linkedin marketing
Sarah Cherifi
Digital Marketing and Communication Manager
“Thanks to this great agency for its professionalism and advice during this Linkedin campaign around diversity.”
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2023 Campaign GOLD Trophy
Social media category

The best Ecommerce social media campaign is awarded to... The Roaring Twenties x Rakuten France! 🏆

Our B2B influence campaign for Rakuten won the 2023 Ecommerce Trophies gold medal in the “social networks” category on June 8, 2023.

We are very proud to win this trophy which recognizes our teams, those of Rakuten and the thought leaders for their work and investments throughout this campaign.

See the Rakuten case study

We won the award for the best advertising media campaign 2023 🥇

During the prestigious Digital HUB Awards ceremony at the HUB Institute, we won the award in the “Advertising/Media Campaign” category, for our ACCESSLIBRE campaign with our B2b influencers Antoine un Handicapé and Flaubert Vuillier 🌟

The AccesLibre campaign was an extraordinary project for our team, a real tour de force aimed at promoting accessibility and inclusiveness.

See the ACCESSLIBRE case study
HUB Awards Digital au HUB Institute -  "Advertising/Media Campaign" -  influenceurs B2b

We won the silver award in the B2B Marketing & Employer Brand category 🥈

So much good news at the B2B Marketing Trophies ceremony, organized by Net Media Group and Adetem.

We were honored to be rewarded for the exceptional campaign created with Rakuten France! A cash prize for this employer brand campaign, “Deploy Yourself.”

A great reward for the Human Resources team, represented by Marianne Yalfani, Human Resources Director, and Marion Noel, Talent Acquisition & Development Manager with the support of Aline Luyeye.

See the Rakuten case study
Marketing B2B Marque Employeur - Rakuten France - Net Media Group et l’Adetem.
Cafpi, Rakuten, Five Officies, Revue fiduciaire, Pennylane, Openup, Qiti, Ayming, Easiassurance, Accès libre, Foodcheri, Harmonie mutuelle, Mail in black, Industrious, Cofidis, N2F, Bureau vallée, Iselection, Urban Sport, Eurecia, Blondel, Wooskill, Opco-Atlas, Opendecide, Hubspot, Patyka, Fiverr, Caisse de dépots, Shine, Lucca, Edenred, Alan, Ringover, Quickbooks, Diaphana, Mooncard, Sodexo, Payfit, American Express, Vivatechnology, Rakuten, Pennylane, Ayming, Yousign, Kellogg’s, Seazon, Bolle, Arpeje’h

they talk about it...

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Croître avec l'Influence.

Pourquoi ils adorent ?
La communication d'influence vous rend unique
La communication d’influence est une stratégie qui consiste à solliciter des influenceurs (appelés également leaders d’opinion)  pour qu’ils partagent un message à leur communauté.  Cette solution permet à une entreprise de valoriser son produit ou son offre en s’appuyant sur la notoriété d’experts et de personnalités reconnues dans leur domaine.
Influence BtoB
Ils offrent un point de vue professionnel, objectif et extérieur à votre entreprise, ce qui aura plus d’impact sur votre cible. Ils peuvent également vous faciliter l’accès à leur réseau professionnel et faciliteront l’impact du message tout en vous permettant de rencontrer une cible que vous n’auriez pas atteinte. Dans l’influence B2B, l’objectif est avant tout de créer de l’engagement, de la confiance, de générer de la visibilité. Pour évaluer la pertinence d’une campagne, c’est donc des facteurs comme le trafic du site web, le nombre de partages ou encore le nombre d’abonnés gagnés qu’il faut analyser.
Marc Gallon
Noovimo Director

"Je ne peux qu'approuver leur professionnalisme. Ils animent les réseaux sociaux et s'impliquent dans le processus. Ils comprennent leurs clients et apportent leur expertise et leur savoir-faire.Je peux définitivement me porter garant de tous leurs services."
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The Roaring Twenties, the first B2B influence marketing agency

Decision-makers are waiting for you!

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