Finding the right thought leader on social media is a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack.
It can quickly take a long time and you can feel lost.
But in 2021, there are solutions to carry out a well-thought-out BtoB influence marketing campaign by surrounding yourself with the right profiles without stealing all your time.
Apparently it would be enough to use an agency specialized in this field.
In this article you will discover:
How can such a structure help you in developing an influence project?
What expertise will it bring you?
What is the role of an influencer agent?
A communication agency that supports BtoB influencers, Kezako?
The influencer marketing market has been growing for many years.
This is reflected in the budget invested by brands, which are constantly increasing, but also in the number of companies that specialize in this field.
In 2016 around the world, 335 influencer marketing agencies existed globally, according to shared data by Statista.
In the space of three years, this figure has increased almost fourfold.
Today, 1120 specialized companies operate on the market, of which 380 agencies of this type were created in 2019.
In France, Kolsquare has more than 150 players in the influence market.

What is a BtoB influence agency?
So there is plenty to get lost in. Which agency to turn to when there are hundreds of them?
To the one that suits you best! Yes because these companies are not all specialized in the same field.
Some like Point d'Orgue are mainly present in the field of beauty, others such as Bilbokid turned to the children or Made In evolves in the world of parenting in the world of parenting, in other words, there are a lot of categories.
But in the BtoB sector, agencies are much more discreet.
The Roaring Twenties team (yes it's us!) launched in early 2020 to imagine influence campaigns on a particular social network: LinkedIn.
In France, this platform was very little, if at all, integrated into campaign plans within other structures.
This particularity allows our agency to evolve on a rapidly growing market in France, BtoB influence marketing.

Concretely, what is The Roaring Twenties and, more generally, a B2B influencer marketing agency?
This type of structure offers advertisers the possibility of designing impacting influence campaigns by surrounding themselves with opinion leaders specialized in their fields (marketing, HR, writing, trade, health, real estate...).
The teams will take into account the desires and objectives of the company to transform them into a real strategy and promote it on LinkedIn through the voices of content creators.
The BtoB agency has 3 main roles:
- A professional service: an agency will at the same time make it possible to imagine an original and powerful campaign, to find the right opinion leader, to support him to design the communication and finally to analyze the KPIs to know the impact of his speech.
- A tool for structuring communication: after discussions with companies, the agency will send them a plan of attack and launch the campaign.
- A time-saver: at the Roaring Twenties, more than 20 experts worked exclusively alongside the team in March 2021. Each area is covered and allows companies to surround themselves with the right LinkedIn influencer to make themselves known to as many people as possible in a particular field.
Tips for creating the best partnerships with influencers
Within the agency since the launch of the adventure, more than thirty BtoB influence marketing campaigns have been carried out.
And to tell you nothing, our teams now know first-hand how an opinion leader works on LinkedIn, but also how users react to their content.
Today, we have the power to design ambitious projects that will find their audience.
Fiverr campaign with Amélie Favre Guittet, Dimitri Ribal and Ruben Taïeb
For the same partner wishing to reach a particular target, it is possible to imagine a campaign sharing a different message with several opinion leaders.
For the Fiverr platform, various profiles have been activated with a variety of content and target for their arrival on the French-speaking market with a “Test & Learn” strategy.
- Amélie Favre Guittet designed a carousel to explain why, as HR, it may be relevant to use freelancers.

- Dimitri Ribal shared his experience as a solopreneur and the importance of surrounding himself when his project is growing.

- Ruben Taïeb highlighted the positive points of the platform after testing it.

- Florent de L'Écluse created a video tutorial on how to use the platform with a script co-constructed with the agency and the brand.

For the same partner, sharing information was very different from one opinion leader to another.
It was the agency that advised the advertiser to surround himself with these profiles in order to reach a defined target while taking into account the company's objectives.
A LinkedIn influence agency with agents
These strategies are defined internally within agencies.
The employees who work there become real experts in influencer marketing.
By multiplying partnerships, they know perfectly well the actions to be taken to achieve a very specific result.
They have a 360° vision and can also advise the advertiser on the campaign they want to have as well as on their content plan on LinkedIn.
To successfully carry out such a strategy, several profiles coexist within a BtoB influence marketing agency.
There are salespeople in charge of finding new advertisers or responding to their requests, communication specialists to highlight the expertise of the structure, those who will imagine the most original devices and finally, agents.
This last member of the team has an important role with advertisers, but also with opinion leaders.
On a daily basis, he supports content creators to answer their questions and needs.
He is also a right-hand man who helps them develop their presence on social networks.
The aim is for influencers to be able to sign new contracts with new partners.
On the company side, it is the person who acts as the link between the advertiser and the influencer sought.
The role of an influencer agent is defined in 3 roles:
- A strategic advisor for influencers: the agent of an opinion leader has the influencer as a client. His objective is to strengthen his presence on social networks as well as his expertise with the other professionals who follow him.
- A trusted partner: the agent advises the influencer in his strategic choices, especially for his partnerships.
- A trusted third party with the company: the agent acts as a relay between the company and the influencer. Advertisers turn to him to get messages across to the thought leader. It is then up to him to transmit them.
The agent of influence, the advantage of an agency specialized in influence
The agent is therefore a real pillar within a BtoB influence marketing agency.

The content creator has a hard time without their services.
The more influence he has, the more he is in demand and the more complicated it is for him to respond to all requests.
It can therefore be complicated for an advertiser to discuss with the influencer and negotiate a collaboration.
The agent facilitates this contact and sorts all the proposals received to keep only the most relevant ones.
Neither companies nor influencers waste time in this way if the collaboration does not correspond to them.
How a BtoB marketing agency imagines a communication campaign with an influencer
To implement such partnerships, it is not enough to snap your fingers and ask dozens of opinion leaders.
The agency carries out several steps to imagine the appropriate communication for the advertiser.
At the Roaring Years From the validation to the publication of the partnership, forty days often pass.
And here are the various key moments during a new collaboration:
- Receiving a customer brief: an advertiser contacts the team because they want to communicate on LinkedIn alongside an opinion leader. The team receives the request and processes it.
- Analysis of the business sector and search for opinion leaders: after having read the client document, the agency then focuses on the company's sector of activity to find out how it communicates, analyze its messages and the latest trends in its sector on LinkedIn.
- Contact the opinion leader: once the agency has clearly identified the campaign, it can make presentations to the influencer to find out if they are interested.
- Implementation of the campaign: the agency works with the influencer on the message to be communicated and on the creation of content.
Production: The agency may have to create content in its own studio with the influencer or directly at the client's premises (client & influencer interviews/filming on the premises /staff meetings...)
- Campaign planning and validation: the advertiser agrees to publish the content
- Analysis: once the campaign is over, the advertiser wants to know the results of the opinion leader's work. The agency analyzes its publication with the KPIs at its disposal. The influencer will also be asked for feedback. In this way, the company will also have the eyes of an expert in its field to know if there are areas for improvement next time.
3 main steps for a communication strategy
When launching an influencer marketing campaign, you will have understood that there are key moments within an agency.
There are three of them.
The first is the document bringing together all the information about the project.
It was written by the team and sent to the advertiser to get creative ideas for their campaign.
Among all this information, the objectives of the project are specified as well as the budget, the opinion leader requested or the creation of the content.
These elements also allow the influencer to learn more about collaboration and to know his role in this partnership (should he encourage buying, ensure that as many people as possible sign up for a webinar, share a message with as many people as possible, etc.).
Once this document is validated, the second and most important step is the development of the content.
The opinion leader has been an expert in his field for many years.
His community expects his speech to inform them about a news or a latest trend.

Therefore, speaking must be instructive, compelling and attention-grabbing in order for it to have a real impact.
This message is worked on and thought out with his agency to make the campaign work.
Finally, the last key moment is to analyze collaboration.
As with all social networks, LinkedIn provides access to numerous KPIs.
This data is important for the agency because it is on this information that it will rely on to design the end-of-campaign document.
On the platform, it is thus possible to access:
- To the types of companies affected: people on LinkedIn generally fill in the location where they work. This data is then recorded in the data for each post. It is possible to have the percentage of employees working for this or that company,
- By the number of views: for each publication, it is possible to know the scope,
- By the number of comments (Positive/Negative & ratio)
- By the number of likes,
- In terms of the number of shares,
- To the geographical area of the users who saw the publication,
- At the engagement rate of the publication
- To traffic based on the CTA (the call to action) - Visit website/company page/subscribers...
This data is essential to end a BtoB influencer marketing campaign.
Without the analysis of these elements, the advertiser does not know if his project worked.
On the agency side, this data highlights the work of the influencer. With these figures, the company better understands the impact of its communication with an opinion leader since it can interpret them.
So, ready to blow up the LinkedIn counters with your campaign?